Monday, December 31, 2012

Israel indicts former foreign minister Lieberman

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli far-right leader Avigdor Lieberman was charged on Sunday with fraud and breach of trust, allegations that prompted his resignation as foreign minister two weeks ago, justice officials said.

Lieberman, who has denied the accusations, remains head of the Yisrael Beitenu party that has formed a coalition with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party ahead of a January 22 parliamentary election.

Israeli justice officials said Lieberman was indicted on charges relating to the promotion of an Israeli diplomat who had illegally given him information about a police investigation against him.

Under Israeli law, conviction on the fraud and breach of trust charges could disqualify Lieberman from holding a cabinet post in the next government.

Lieberman, who lives in a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank, has stoked controversy by questioning the loyalties of Israel's 1.5 million Arab citizens.

His comments have drawn accusations of racism but have also given him a large electoral following beyond his Russian-speaking base.

Earlier this month, he angered the European Union by saying it had not sufficiently condemned calls by Hamas Islamists for Israel's destruction, likening this to Europe's failure to stop Nazi genocide against Jews during World War Two.

The European Union foreign policy chief called the comments offensive and reiterated the bloc's commitment to Israel's security.

Born in Moldova, Lieberman emigrated to Israel in 1978. He became administrative head of the Likud party in 1993 and ran the prime minister's office from 1996 to 1997 during Netanyahu's first term. He left and formed Yisrael Beitenu in 1999.

Lieberman is the latest in a string of Israeli politicians to face corruption charges in recent years. Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert resigned in 2008 after being indicted, though he has since been acquitted of most of the charges against him.

(Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Andrew Heavens)


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After a century, US Arabs look for pieces of past

DETROIT (AP) ? Tossing and shivering below deck, Hussien Karoub felt ill. In the cold, crowded conditions, sleep came seldom. When it did, it didn't last long: The cries of children and the moans of those even sicker than he was made certain of that.

It was approaching midnight somewhere in the North Atlantic, aboard a vessel carrying the 18-year-old Syrian and many fellow immigrants toward, they hoped, a better life. If nothing else, he knew it had to beat this arduous monthlong odyssey in steerage, enduring conditions that were, in every sense, below those in first and second class.

It would be days before details trickled down about the doomed ship a couple hundred miles away. Above, in his vessel's radio room, came the first distress call from the foundering RMS Titanic: "Require immediate assistance. Come at once. We struck an iceberg. Sinking."

A couple weeks later, Hussien Karoub arrived in the United States even more anonymously than he otherwise might have. Public attention was elsewhere, focused on the Titanic and its tragic end.

That is the story of my grandfather's voyage to America. Or, more likely, it isn't. And that's part of the point.


I am a third-generation Arab-American, and I am on a journey to learn more about the journey of my "jiddo," the Arabic word for grandfather. I am sorting through family stories, passed down, that have a way of changing in the retelling. Folk tales are compelling, but I am trying to anchor my story to facts before the channels to history close entirely, in hopes they might offer insight about how I got here.

My quest mirrors those of so many Arab-Americans. They're looking back and trying to unearth their stories, separating myth from truth and ? just as important ? hoping to show their neighbors that, in the story of America, they are not a "them" but an "us."

Maybe the Titanic tale is true. It's remotely possible, since Hussien Karoub came to the United States in the same year, 1912. My family hasn't confirmed that through records, but by anecdotes like a radio interview from the early 1960s, when he said he came to Detroit in 1915 to make cars after spending three years making hats in Danbury, Conn.

For many Arabs, a version of the story is true. U.S.-bound Middle Easterners were on the Titanic and other ships traversing the Atlantic. In lower Manhattan, an already thriving Syrian community awaited and would be instrumental in identifying and memorializing the dead and helping survivors meet the new world.

"I always tell people who ask that Jiddo's ship crossed paths with the Titanic on the way over from Syria," my cousin Carl, the family's historian, tells me. "The wake from the Titanic nearly capsized his tiny ferry and he cursed the Titanic."

He has no proof, of course. In only a century, the truth blurs in a genealogical game of telephone. Yet why not hitch our tale to that of a great American epic? It's not that big of a stretch. Americans ? most Americans, even ? have done that since the very beginning.

But I want more than stories.


"Who's 'Aszim'?" the voice over the phone asks me. It's Diane Hassan, a researcher from the Danbury Museum & Historical Society. Hassan finds a record saying Aszim was born in Danbury in 1913, which brings us closer to confirming the timeframe of my grandfather's arrival in Danbury. This was my father's first cousin, known to my family by his American name, Jimmy. He was the son of Mohammed, my grandfather's brother.

I've sought Hassan's help because I've hit a brick wall. Ellis Island, the entry point for millions of immigrants, contains records of my grandfather coming in 1920 aboard the Kroonland with his wife, Miriam, and their young son Allie. That was Hussien Karoub's second U.S. arrival, but there is no record in Ellis Island's archive of his inaugural voyage as a single man some eight years earlier.

A short boat ride away, they're asking the same kinds of questions on a much larger scale. A group of New Yorkers have worked with curators from the Arab American National Museum in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn on a new traveling exhibit that documents what had been one of the earliest settlements of Arabs in America.

It's not lost on them that the Little Syria neighborhood in lower Manhattan would become the site of the World Trade Center ? the towers whose destruction a decade ago put many of Middle Eastern descent under intense scrutiny and suspicion.

For so many decades, the self-appointed "us" of America had names for the not-quite-white, not-quite-black, not-quite-sure group of "them" arriving from the Middle East: "Orientals," ''Ali Baba," and later, "towelheads."

The increasingly malignant stereotype of Arab and Muslims as terrorists appeared in the 1960s with the Arab-Israeli war but hit warp speed after 9/11. It came in actions ? anti-Islamic hate crime cases reported to the FBI spiked after the terrorist attacks ? but it came more commonly, casually and sometimes just as cruelly in words:

"Go home."

Go home. It's as perplexing as it is offensive, especially to those whose American story stretches back a century. Where exactly is home for someone who was born in the U.S.? Or came here seeking a better life ? and succeeded? Or fled tyranny for opportunity? In times of crisis, the public forgets how long Arab and Muslims have been in the U.S. or what they've contributed.

So, in the face of foes and a forgetful public, it is left to Arabs themselves to remember and remind others of where they've been. That presents difficulties ? not only with facts that were never committed to paper but also with facts that bump into something equally potent: family consensus.

I've known since I was little that my grandfather made up his birthdate. Why? Because the village where he was born didn't keep records. His gravestone lists his birth year as 1893; his petition to become a U.S. citizen, filed in 1919, says he was born on Dec. 20, 1892.

That led me to another surprise: learning he registered for the World War I draft in 1917, a full decade before being declared a citizen. The document shows his birthplace as the "Syrian Arab Republic" and his occupation as "grinding for Ford Motor Co." The registration also details back problems, which likely kept him from being drafted. His address is on the same street in the Detroit enclave where, just four years later, he would lead what was likely the first mosque in the United States.

In Danbury, a whole section of town is referred to as "Little Lebanon," where immigrants like my grandfather came to work in fur and hat factories. One Arab immigrant whose time there wasn't lost to history was William Buzaid, who opened a fur-cutting factory in 1910.

Hassan is working with the city's Lebanese American Club to learn more about the paths of its forebears. She welcomes my call for help in finding facts to fill my story, knowing it could in turn help Danbury and Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and many other places where Arab-Americans traveled through or put down roots during the Great Migration of 1880-1924. The peak for those coming from what then was known as "Greater Syria" was from 1910 to 1914.

Even after trying several variations of Karoub ? Kharoub, Karoob, Karub, Karroubi ? I came up empty. Maybe, Hassan suggests, he was among those who came through Baltimore or Boston. Maybe even Canada. Maybe he didn't enter at Ellis Island at all.

Maybe. A word I can't seem to escape.


Devon Akmon also wants to fill in some ancestral blanks. He lacks even more basic facts than I do. He knows this much: He's half-Lebanese, like me, and his family came from northern Lebanon. But who came to the U.S., and when?

"This is the hard part. This is what we don't know," said Akmon, now deputy director of the Arab American National Museum. "They first came to Kentucky. That's the story I want to figure out. ... It's family history. Knowing your family's story only back a generation ? it seems so mysterious."

To know more, he said, enhances his "sense of self-worth."

How can details like these disappear so soon? A relative's reluctance to reminisce is a common obstacle for the family historian, and Akmon said his grandfather didn't talk a lot about his past.

It's a challenge in his day job as well. "Trying to do research on Arab-Americans in the early ... 20th century is very difficult," he says. "It's so underdocumented."

That's an underlying theme of the 1985 book, "Becoming American: The Early Arab Immigrant Experience," by Alixa Naff. It draws on dozens of interviews with pioneer immigrants and their descendants from more than 25 communities, including my uncle ? a son of Hussien Karoub who followed him into ministry.

You come away with one overarching feeling: The ancestry quest of Arab-Americans is common to all immigrants, be they Irish, Italians, Germans, Jews or others. It is the story of most everyone in America.

Yet Syrians are one of the least studied of America's ethnic groups ? partly because they were smaller in number and the formal Arabic language was not widely understood by Western students and scholars before World War II. But Naff says the blame also falls upon Arab immigrants, who "neglected to study themselves."

"The history of their American experience was, by comparison, too insignificant and too fleeting to warrant recording," she wrote.

So, what filled the cultural void? American myth and history. "Lacking ancestral legends and heroes that had an organic relevance to their lives, they adopted American legends as their own ? presidents, cowboys, athletes and men like Charles Lindbergh," Naff wrote.

Maybe the Titanic ? itself no slouch as an American history tale ? looms so large in my grandfather's legend because the sea at that time of its fateful passage was filled with Middle Easterners seeking a new life, including on the "unsinkable" ship itself. There, 154 of the Titanic's passengers were Arabic; 29 survived.

Those who did included 24-year-old Catherine Joseph, who was sailing steerage with her children, 6-year-old Michael and 2-year-old Anna. The passenger record indicates her husband, Peter, sent them back to Lebanon a few months earlier to save money, but called them back to Detroit.

We know these facts about the Joseph family because of "Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition," which spent several recent months at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, the capital of Arab-America. Visitors learned about passengers and their fates on special tickets handed out at the exhibition's entrance.

It didn't take years for the tales of those on the Titanic to be told. Arabic-language newspapers from New York's Little Syria played a particularly aggressive role in helping to identify victims and provide support to families and survivors ? something it was uniquely equipped to do.

"The entire Syrian community of New York identified with the difficulties of those who had left their homeland seeking a better future in a new land," Leila Salloum Elias wrote in 2005 in an essay that laid the groundwork for a new book, "The Dream and the Nightmare: The Syrians Who Boarded the Titanic."

"They were reminded of their own journey across ocean and sea," she wrote. "The Syrian community considered the ship's Syrian passengers as part of it."

What kind of impression did that leave on my Jiddo? I wonder if he was there to see newspapers report, connect and advocate on behalf of those on the ship, and if those efforts helped him decide to launch his own newspaper a few years later in Detroit.

No doubt he was lured like many other immigrants by the promise of Ford's "five bucks a day" to make Model Ts. But he saw another, less material motive: Muslims making Michigan their home would need a spiritual leader. He could put his Islamic studies to work to help build an American community.

More help in my quest comes from the National Archives, the main repository for pieces of the American story. Naturalization records contain details about where and when an immigrant came to the United States ? and my grandfather's record is among them, at the Archives' Chicago branch. It teases me even more.

He listed himself as a sewing machine operator. He had a scar on his left palm. His signature ? in a sturdy, stylish penmanship for a man who wasn't raised reading or writing English ? attests that he is neither polygamist nor anarchist.

I press on. Genealogy specialist Constance Potter runs a general search on several conceivable spellings for Hussien Karoub. As far as the archive is concerned, no record exists of my grandfather's 1912 arrival.

That's unsurprising. Many ports of entry were overflowing with huddled masses. Immigrants' names were taken verbally, so there's no guarantee that our best guesses on spelling match the elusive record. And until 1935, there was no National Archives.

"There were all these years when things could disappear," Potter says.

While she admires my pursuit and recognizes my disappointment, Potter consoles me with an existential parting shot about who we are as Americans.

"Everyone's ancestor was somewhere on July 4, 1776," she says. "Whether signing the Declaration of Independence or somewhere in Syria, they were there."


Every quest, particularly when it comes to your own history, eventually arrives at a crossroads with some version of the same question: What is the point?

Why struggle to pin down my grandfather's details, to separate truth from tall tales? Surely it's not to feel more American. The day my family moved from becoming to belonging has long since passed.

Does my faltering attempt to retrace his journey make any difference? After all, he made it. He became one of the United States' first imams, opened the nation's first free-standing mosque and started a newspaper, the American-Arab Message, for a community that would become one of the largest outside the Middle East.

Hussien Karoub had seven children, five of whom survived into adulthood. He died at 79 in 1973. I was only 4 then, but I remember a warm, gentle man. My strongest memory is looking up to see him smile at me as I tore through his house with joyful abandon. Yet his legacy lives on through his descendants, including doctors, musicians, teachers, business owners as well as a lawyer, lawmaker and a journalist. And veterans of foreign wars.

We are Muslim, Christian, and other ? a fitting multireligious legacy for a man who was both praised and criticized for embracing other faiths and not seeing his own as monolithic.

A century on, we are Arab-Americans, though we have become less Arab and more American. Yet there's a pull to learn a little more about the front end of the hyphen. Maybe the urge is strongest when you feel fully connected, when reaching to the past runs no risk of giving up the present. But as the generations pass, the yesterdays become more remote. The trail fades.

It doesn't surprise Elias that my family's lore includes a Titanic tale. She once interviewed a man whose grandfather asserted that as many as 15 people from her Syrian village perished when the great ship went down. No record supports that fact, but Elias later learned where the story came from.

"If someone left a village, let's say in March 1912, to go to 'Amreeka' and they were never heard from again," Elias says, "it was just assumed they were on the Titanic."

Speaking to so many descendants of Titanic survivors and victims, Elias realized the value of trying to know her own story: "Do you know how many said, 'I wish I had asked more questions'?"

I can't ask Jiddo any more questions about his path to America. The Titanic tale? It probably wasn't true, but no matter. I can continue chipping away at the myths, the facts and the blanks, knowing that his trip was the catalyst for my family's larger one ? our evolution from being a "them" to an "us."

In fact, as I look back at his journey through the prism of my place in this country, I spot something new, something I didn't quite expect: The immigrant Hussien Karoub, it seems, was about as "us" as you can be.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mayor Calls NRA Plan for Armed Guards in Schools ?Completely Dumbass Idea?

?I guess, you know, out of last week?s bizarre press statement ? it wasn?t a press conference ? I guess Mr. [Wayne] LaPierre would then say firefighters need to have armed guards go with them,? Nutter said on MSNBC?s ?Andrea Mitchell Reports.? I think it just shows that was a completely dumbass idea from the start with the announcement last week,? Philadelphia Michael Nutter said on MSNBC this week.

?We need to ban assault weapons. We need to ban the high-capacity clips and magazines. We need serious background information, system upgrade,? Nutter added

Lauren Victoria Burke is POLITIC365?s Managing Editor. Ms. Burke grew up around politics in New York as both her parents were involved in various political campaigns from the 1970s on and Ms. Burke?s mother worked as a staff member for the late New York State Assemblyman Paul Harenberg who was a champion on elder issues. Ms. Burke is the creator of the blog Crewof42 which covers African American members of Congress. The blog was named one of the ?30 Black Blogs You Should Know? by THE ROOT in 2011. Ms. Burke is a former Senate congressional staffer. She has also worked for ABC News for This Week and as an online producer for USA She has also been a writer and photographer for the The Hill. In addition to writing, Ms. Burke owns a photography agency (WDCPIX.COM) and completed a book of photography on President Obama?s 2008 campaign. Ms. Burke can be heard every Tuesday taking politics and current affairs at 4 p.m. ET on WMCS-AM 1290 in Milwaukee on THE EVENING RUSH with Earl Ingram. She can also be heard regularly on Friday at 6:30 p.m. ET on WPFW-FM 89.3 in Washington DC, WVON-AM 1690 in Chicago with Cliff Kelley, WHUR-AM 96.3 in Washington DC on the Daily Drum with Harold Fisher and WCHB-AM 1200 in Detroit with Mildred Gaddis. Contact e-mail: Twitter: @crewof42.


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Hornets extend Bobcats' skid to 18 games

Charlotte Bobcats' Michael Kidd-Gilchrist (14) shoots over New Orleans Hornets' Anthony Davis (23) during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Charlotte, N.C., Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

Charlotte Bobcats' Michael Kidd-Gilchrist (14) shoots over New Orleans Hornets' Anthony Davis (23) during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Charlotte, N.C., Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

Charlotte Bobcats' Gerald Henderson, left, and New Orleans Hornets' Austin Rivers, right, chase a loose ball during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Charlotte, N.C., Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012. Charlotte Bobcats' Bismack Biyombo (0) looks on in background. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

(AP) ? Eric Gordon made his return to the lineup Saturday night. And for the better part of 24 minutes, he looked as if he'd never been away.

Gordon had 24 points and seven assists, helping the New Orleans Hornets overcome a 21-point first-half deficit and extend the Charlotte Bobcats' losing streak to 18 games with a 98-95 victory Saturday night.

The Bobcats are one game away from a winless December. They haven't won since Nov. 24 and are closing in on their franchise-record 23-game losing streak to close the 2011-12 season.

Gordon, who hadn't played since April 22 following arthroscopic right knee surgery, was 5 of 13 from the field and 12 of 14 from the free throw line. He had two steals and two turnovers.

"I felt pretty good, I was kind of surprised," Gordon said. "Now I'm just going to try to get better and better from here. I wouldn't have had a chance to help this team earlier with my knee, but I'm glad everything is working out now."

Ryan Anderson had 19 points and made a pair of 3-pointers in the final period as the Hornets won for the second time in three games.

Anderson was all smiles after the game.

"I haven't had open looks like that in quite a while," he said.

On a late possession, Gordon drove the lane drawing attention from defenders and passed the ball outside where Anderson knocked down a 3-pointer to push New Orleans' lead to six.

Roger Mason, who had all 13 points in the second half, added another 3-pointer on the next possession because of the attention the Bobcats were paying to Gordon.

Anderson said those are the tough moments defenders will be forced to contend with when they face the Hornets the rest of the way.

"He's a special player," Anderson said of Gordon. "There are not a lot of guys like him in the NBA. He hasn't quit warmed up to be 100 percent comfortable yet with this group on the court, but to come out and take over like that, that is the mark of a special player."

Hornets coach Monty Williams said he didn't expect that type of production from Gordon in his first game back.

"I certainly thought he would be able to help guys and make guys better," Williams said. "But I didn't think he'd score 24 points. His defense will get better the more he gets in shape."

The Bobcats had two chances to tie the game after the Hornets threw the ball away with 11 seconds left, but Ben Gordon and Ramon Sessions both missed 3-pointers in the closing seconds.

Michael Kidd-Gilchrist had 22 points and nine rebounds and Gerald Henderson added 19 points for the Bobcats.

Kidd-Gilchrist outplayed former Kentucky teammate Anthony Davis in the first half, scoring 18 points on 9 of 11 shooting.

"I had it going a little bit," Kidd-Gilchrist said. "That's going against my best friend, so of course it's special."

But the No. 2 overall pick left the game near the end of the first half after scratching the cornea in his right eye while diving for a loose ball.

He returned in the third quarter wearing protective goggles, but wasn't the same looking a little tentative and less aggressive. He had only four points in limited action in the second half.

"The thing with MKG that is incredible, and typical, is that he just played through it," Bobcats coach Mike Dunlap said. "He's a competitor and he gave us what we had and that was just sure willpower. Pretty incredible."

The Bobcats came in having lost 17 straight games, and the Hornets had lost 12 of their past 13 entering the game.

Charlotte jumped on the visitors early.

The Hornets led by as many as 21 in the second quarter before the Hornets stormed back to tie the game entering the final period behind nine third-quarter points from Greivis Vasquez and seven from Gordon.

New Orleans finally took the lead with 5:47 left when Anderson knocked down a 3-pointer from the right wing to give the Hornets. Gordon followed with another 3-pointer on the next possession and they'd never give up the lead.

It was a dramatic shift of momentum after the Bobcats dominated the first half. Charlotte shot 64 percent from the field in the first half and took a 57-40 lead at the break, outscoring the Hornets 21-0 on fast breaks and 38-16 in the paint.

"We stopped being as aggressive in the second half as the first," Kidd-Gilchrist said. "We weren't attacking."

As for the losing streak, Dunlap said "eventually we are our own solution. We can't look external."

NOTE: Bobcats coach Mike Dunlap picked up his first technical foul of the season for arguing a call during the third quarter. ... Hakim Warrick had his first double-double for the Bobcats with 12 points and 10 rebounds.

Associated Press


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*-*-*- FAQ -*-*-*

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A: No, the image is printed on a hard metal and is consistent no matter which material you choose.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

DIY Chalkboard Paint | Santa Rosa Tile Supply

Chalkboard paint has been a trendy item for a few years now. Many home improvement shows, blogs, and magazines have featured it at one point or another, and with a few companies producing this paint it?s very accessible to the average consumer. Chalkboard paint is both fun and functional and can be used anywhere in a home. However, it?s most often found in only black and green. A few products in other colors are available but have only recently been easier to find and are often in far fewer colors.

Source: via Santa Rosa Tile?s Pinterest

There?s a solution, though! Mixing a bit of un-sanded grout into latex paint will give you a chalk-friendly surface in any color you want. Acrylic paints should work, too, but avoid oil-based paints ? they won?t create the right surface texture.

Source: via Santa Rosa Tile?s Pinterest

The best ratio to use varies depending on who you ask, but 2 tablespoons grout per cup of paint seems like a good place to start. You can always add more grout, but don?t mix it up so thick you can?t paint with it and be sure to thoroughly mix in the grout without lumps.

Source: via Santa Rosa Tile?s Pinterest

As for how to use chalkboard paint? Here are just a few ideas:

  • Message board from framed plywood or a painted canvas
  • Trays ? especially great for parties because you can label what?s being served
  • Inside of a pantry or kitchen cabinet door ? perfect for grocery lists or keeping track of all those hard-to-see cans and jars
  • Mini signs for placecards or an appetizer table
  • Paint an entire refrigerator
  • Kids? rooms or playrooms can use a little chalkboard paint right on the wall

Chalkboard canvas

Source: via Santa Rosa Tile?s Pinterest

Chalkboard tray

Source: via Santa Rosa Tile?s Pinterest

Pantry door chalkboard

Source: via Santa Rosa Tile?s Pinterest

Mini chalkboard signs

Source: via Santa Rosa Tile?s Pinterest

Since you know how to make any paint into chalkboard paint, you don?t have to worry about the chalkboard blending into your decor!

Turquoise fridge

Source: via Santa Rosa Tile?s Pinterest

Unsanded grout can be purchased at your local tile or hardware store, or if you or someone you know recently remodeled, you might be able to snag just a little bit from them. It?s best to use regular chalk on these surfaces; chalk pens may not erase properly. Make sure you ?prime? the surface after painting but before using it by completely covering it with chalk then wiping off with a dry towel.


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A Vancouver Stager's Top 10 Staging Tips for a Staged Bathroom

A Vancouver Stager?s Top 10 Staging Tips for a Great Staged Bathroom

As a Vancouver, B.C. Home Stager, I like to follow these simple guidelines when staging a bathroom for sale:

1.???? ?Edit Personal Items

In this Powder Room/very small bathroom, the bathroom counters were full of personal items.? Home buyers don?t want to see messy toothpaste tubes and used toothbrushes.? These items are too personal.? Purchase plastic baskets from the dollar store, fill them with all your personal toiletries and store them away in the bathroom cupboards.

Before Home Staging

Powder room before home staging

After Home Staging

Powder room after home staging

2.???? ?Create a hotel boutique chic atmosphere

I love staying in European hotels and enjoying the lovely, white, fresh linens, soaps and amenities.?? Nothing says hotel boutique bathroom like a white waffle curtain and simple curtain rings.? When staging your bathroom, remove colourful, frilly, too personal shower curtains with a clean, simple, white shower curtain for maximum impact.

3.???? Remove the germy ?ick? factor

Remove or hide away the toilet brush.? Just think about it.? No one wants to see or think about what germs linger on this apparatus, never mind be reminded of where it?s been.? Out of sight is out of mind.? That goes for garbage cans too. ?If at all possible, slip garbage cans inside bathroom cupboards.?

Master Bath Before Home Staging

Master bath before home staging

Master Bath After Home Staging

Master bath after home staging

4.???? Create a dreamy, spa-like atmosphere

A Master Bathroom is a luxury.? It?s a room where you can light candles, pour a nice warm bubble bath and enjoy a good book or a glass of wine.? You want to be pampered in a Master Bath, so set the stage.? Add candles, natural sponges, brand new loofahs anything to remind one of a spa.

After Home Staging

Master bath after home staging

5.???? Use soft, natural colours

Use colours in a bathroom that are calming and spa-like.? Soft blues, aquas, natural taupe, warm grays, soft greens are all great choices for a bathroom.

6.???? Add artwork

When adding artwork to your home for sale, don?t forget the bathroom.? So many times I see no art in the bathroom.? Not only should you add artwork, but don?t be shy.? Stage the bathroom with? larger pieces, not just teeny tiny pictures. This adds more impact and drama.?

Before Home Staging

Master bath before home staging

After Home Staging

Master bath after home staging

7.???? Clean, clean, clean

This probably should be point number one, but no one wants to walk into a hotel bathroom and find the previous guest?s hair in the sink or bathtub.? Well, the same goes for a home that?s for sale.? Clean, polish, wash, shine, dust and then do it all over again!? Make sure that the bathroom looks and smells clean.?

8.???? The Bathroom is a no-carpet, rug or toilet lid cover zone!

Remove any used bath mats, furry toilet seat covers, and crocheted toilet roll covers.? Not only do these items retain nasty odors; they are also dated.? Also, remove any wall to wall carpet from the bathroom floor.? A carpeted bathroom is a huge turn-off for buyers and you will spend money wisely by replacing carpet with a tile, ceramic floor.

9.???? Think about a bathroom theme.

Don?t go too kitchy or crazy, but the Master Bathroom in this example was located in a home near the ocean.? For this reason, I added a glass starfish, some shells, and a painting with water and sea shells in it.?

After Home Staging

Master bath after home staging

10.You can?t go wrong with white.

I know it?s tempting to put the guest towels with the gold tassels and brocade out in the bathroom, but try to resist.? Again, when you enter a hotel bathroom, all the towels are white.? White, fresh, new, fluffy towels send a message that this bathroom is clean and crisp.??

Don't forget - kitchens and bathrooms sell houses.? Follow these 10 simple staging tips for your bathroom and you will have a better chance of attracting more home buyers.



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1 On 1 Tutoring | Internet and Businesses Online

Guys from around the world all have distinctive tastes in females. Some prefer ladies that have had related life experiences although other people pursue single ladies who possess a unique point of view and culture. It really is all a matter of taste and character as we are all one of a kind and unique. In looking to connect with girls from far flung locations, some guys have chosen to utilize mail order bride agencies. The concept of utilizing a locally based ?matchmaker? in a foreign nation is often a good notion, however every day males continue to get exploited and victimized by unscrupulous agencies. So what are a few of items it is best to look out prior to before signing up with an agency?

Nicely, the first issue anyone initially looks for when visiting? web page could be the images in the females. The distinction amongst the pictures on a regular on-line dating web page and a mail order bride web site is substantial in quite a few cases. The women that are sincerely seeking love on a web-based dating web site will share with you pictures taken by associates, members of the family or even themselves and they all have one particular issue in widespread, they?re genuine.

In comparison, the images on a mail order bride internet site are frequently taken by an expert photographer who has an highly-priced camera, lighting and editing gear to make the women appear their very best. It all comes across as feeling insincere or fake, as guys generally state that something ?just does not appear right?. Possibly its the truth that the girls are wearing bikinis or factor high boots with miniskirts within the pictures. Regardless of what it may possibly be, the entire factor quickly tends to make you really feel like you?re becoming ?conned?. Guess what?.in 99.9% with the situations, that you are and should you need any proof, simply do your homework. Should you visit YouTube and sort in ?Mail Order Bride Fraud? or visit Google and type ?profile fraud mail order brides?, you will have countless articles discussing this sleazy tactic.

Yet another thing you are able to do will be to register a blank profile on a mail order site that charges to send and acquire e-mail. You might be overwhelmed by how quite a few emails you get from ?women? who come across your profile extremely interesting although there exists no picture or details. I recently registered a blank profile on the major mail order bride web-site and inside 24 hours I had over 100 messages from gorgeous ladies! I wonder when the $10 charge to open up each and every e-mail had something to complete with it. It?s also essential to point out that I would spend an added $10 to send an e mail, which meant that the initial day I could have spent $2,000 in emails alone. Did I mention that emails would price added if there had been images attached!

Lots of the sleazy agencies offer you the alternative of sending a ?gift? towards the girls you are talking to by means of the web page. On the leading romance tour internet site, they presented guys the chance to send a woman in Cebu, Philippines 11 roses for $95 dollars. Keep in thoughts that the Philippines is actually a producing country so items price quite a bit much less there. So that you can see how insanely highly-priced this ?gift? was, I decided to appear on Google for florists in Cebu to view what the expenses had been for roses. Among the list of most highly-priced florists made available 50 roses for $70 dollars, so recognize that the ?gift? program is only an work to empty you wallet and bank account.

For much more information on rip-offs in the mail order bride market, visit plus size wedding dresses.


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[unable to retrieve full-text content]Eliquis is the third anticlotting medicine to be approved recently and it is expected the backers will aggressively market their products.


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Drug May Help Women Who Quit Smoking Avoid Weight Gain ...

THURSDAY, Dec. 27 (HealthDay News) -- Taking a pill called naltrexone (ReVia) when they stop smoking could help women keep dreaded weight gain at bay, according to new research.

Researchers analyzed two earlier studies that compared the quit rates and weight gain among heavy smokers who received either naltrexone -- a drug used to treat addiction -- or an inactive placebo, along with a nicotine patch and weekly counseling while trying to quit smoking.

Although the groups taking naltrexone had higher quit rates at the end of four- and six-week treatment courses, participants who took the drug were no more likely to remain abstinent after 12 months.

But women who took naltrexone gained significantly less weight six and 12 months after they quit smoking than women who received the placebo, according to the study, published in the December issue of Biological Psychiatry. However, this difference was not observed for men.

"Weight gain is a crucial issue for people, especially women who have societal pressure and can be more discontented with their bodies," said Andrea King, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Chicago and lead author of the current study.

"Even if naltrexone doesn't help quit rates, if we could break down that barrier, it could have an impact," King added.

More than 80 percent of people who quit smoking gain weight, and the average weight gain is between five and 10 pounds, according to the study. However, as many as one-quarter of quitters gain more than 15 pounds.

Weight gain during smoking cessation is usually modest and not a serious health problem compared to the health benefit of quitting smoking, said Dr. Norman Edelman, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association.

"[But] people, especially young women, would be more likely to get involved in smoking cessation programs if there were some way to control their weight gain so in terms of that, I think [naltrexone] is important," Edelman said.

People who want to quit smoking and are worried about gaining weight should talk with their doctor about naltrexone, he suggested.

Both issues can be deadly. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States, and obesity is second, the study authors noted.

King pointed out that naltrexone would probably not take the place of the first-line treatments for quitting smoking, which are the antidepressant bupropion (Zyban), in some cases together with a nicotine patch such as Nicoderm or the drug varenicline (Chantix).

However, naltrexone, along with a nicotine patch and counseling, could be an option for those who did not have success with these treatments or who have serious concerns about weight gain, King said.

The side effects associated with naltrexone are generally mild and rare, King said. Nausea, dizziness and fatigue are most common, and often overcome by taking the once-a-day medication with food or at bedtime, she added.

For the current study, King and her colleagues analyzed the results of studies done at the University of Chicago and Yale University in New Haven, Conn.

The Chicago study involved more than 300 adults who smoked between 10 and 40 cigarettes a day for at least the past two years. During the four-week treatment, participants took either naltrexone or the placebo, used Nicoderm and received behavioral and cognitive counseling.

The Yale study had nearly 400 adults who smoked 20 or more cigarettes a day for at least the past year. It was similar to the Chicago study, except the researchers tested a six-week treatment course and three doses of naltrexone along with placebo.

Women who took naltrexone gained an average of about 7.3 pounds and 13 pounds six and 12 months after treatment, respectively, whereas the women who received placebo gained an average of about 12.1 and 16.3 pounds, respectively, the researchers found.

In addition, a slightly smaller proportion of women taking naltrexone increased their body weight by 7 percent or more, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers clinically significant weight gain.

The men in the study gained less weight on average than women, and these gains were a smaller percentage of their original body weight, which could have made it more difficult to detect lower weight gain among men taking naltrexone, King said. More research is needed on this group, she added.

It is not clear why women seem to be more prone to weight gain when they quit smoking than men.

"I think of women smoking more for emotional regulation and management, and potentially without that crutch, they may turn to high sweet and fat foods more than men," King said.

Naltrexone is thought to block the effects of opioids in the body, which could reduce cravings for sweet and fatty foods, King noted.

In addition, giving up cigarettes leads to drops in metabolism that can cause quitters to put on pounds no matter what they eat, King pointed out.

King encourages people trying to quit to eat sensibly and exercise, which can help reduce the stress of quitting, but not to diet, which can make quitting even more difficult.

"If there are times when you're going to have a candy bar or a cigarette, a candy bar is better, and don't beat yourself up about it," King said.

Naltrexone is not approved by the FDA for smoking cessation and is instead used off-label for this indication. It is approved to help people overcome alcohol and drug addictions.

More information

For help quitting smoking, visit the American Lung Association.


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

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Chandni Chowk Is Now Online | - Web, Advertising ...

People are using the internet to get their queries (related to any and every subject) solved. Be it to find the telephone number of a store, a recommendation as to where one can eat, to renovate one?s home or revamp one?s wardrobe. There exists an online business or an online directory to address each of these issues and more.

?Chandni?Chowk has for long been Delhi?s pride. It offers the best food and houses umpteen businesses that offer a myriad of services. Up until now these businesses were restricted to Delhi and the surrounding areas. Now, thanks to Google?s ?India Get Your Business Online? initiative, this is all set to change.

?Chandni?Chowk is now online. Over 2,500 businesses that operate out of Kapil Sibal?s constituency have gotten their websites designed under the erstwhile mentioned initiative. The ?India Get Your Business Online? initiative was launched in November, 2011 with the aim to give Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) free websites that will help boost their businesses. As a part of this plan, Google and HostGator went to each shop in ?Chandni?Chowk and got the people to agree to their website done for free. While the designing of these websites was done for free, the hosting will be free for only one year after which the businesses will have to pay to host their sites. There exists a common ?Chandni?Chowk site that works as a directory for the websites of all businesses present in the area.

The sites are basic in design. There is the About Us page and a Contact Us page. Nothing fancy, just the bare minimum. Additionally, each site has only a Google+ connect page. No Twitter/Facebook/Flickr, etc.

Talking about the initiative, Rajan Anandan, Google India VP and Managing Director (Sales and Operations), said ?With over 137 million Internet users in the country, an increasing number of users are now looking for local information online. (Additionally), there are 47 million SMBs in the country, but only 4,00,000 have a web presence. Of this, only 1,00,000 have a decent quality web presence.?

If these statistics are anything to go by, then it clearly implies that an online presence will certainly boost the businesses of SMBs. Thus, while SMBs get business, Google gets data and traction. Google plans to get 5,00,000 businesses online by the end of 2014. While this is a mammoth task at hand, it certainly is one that will change the one SMBs get business. The otherwise internet-disliking? Kapil Sibal seems to like this initiative as he said that these websites will help increase businesses and this will in-turn benefit the locals and the business area at large. Suprise! Surprise!

With the increased use of mobile internet and its proliferation, I won?t be surprised if these businesses launch an app next. Agree?


Hilonee Furia is a freelance writer, a compulsive thinker, an American TV addict and a fiction fanatic.


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Marin Catholic puts football lights on hold in Kentfield

Marin Catholic High School in Kentfield will hold off ? for now, at least ? on plans to install lights at its football field, even as it presses ahead with proposed upgrades to the bleachers and a new sound system.

The private high school is seeking county approval for a new, 1,242-seat grandstand with a concession stand, bathrooms, weight room and locker rooms underneath, in addition to an upgraded sound system. The project would not increase the stadium's capacity, but it would provide access for the disabled and replace a set of aging bleachers that were moved to Marin Catholic from College of Marin in the 1960s.

The original application also included plans for lights that would be used 10 nights per year.

In October, the county's Community Development Agency told Marin Catholic a special permit may be necessary for the lights, and it asked for additional information including a scientific study of the lighting impacts. In response, the school filed a new application without the lights, which had also drawn opposition from dozens of neighbors.

Marin Catholic President Tim Navone said the school may revisit lights later, but it set them aside for now to avoid delaying the rest of the project.

"Our priority is to get the stadium bleacher complex plans underway," he said.

Friday night football games are a tradition in many communities but are rare in Marin County, where only San Rafael and Tomales high schools

have lighted fields. In 2009, the Novato Unified School District considered installing lights at its two main high schools but abandoned the plan amid opposition from neighbors.

Navone said lights would boost attendance at Marin Catholic games by moving them out of the Saturday afternoon time slot, when they compete with many other sporting events and activities.

The Marin Catholic football team, which lost the Division III state championship this past weekend, filled its stadium to capacity for the most recent home game but typical crowds are much smaller, Navone said.

"We don't have the ability to pull our full community together," he said.

The Kentfield Planning Advisory Board recommended approval of the project without lights on Wednesday, and the school is now awaiting a response from county planners.

If the school proposes lights in the future it is likely to meet at least some resistance from neighbors.

In a letter signed by several dozen neighbors in October, Kentfield residents John and Sarah Holzwarth said lights at Marin Catholic would hurt the quality of life in the neighborhood. The impacts would not only include the light but also increased noise and traffic at night, they said.

"The prospect of evening use and night football games is disruptive to our community and not consistent with the residential nature of the area," they wrote in the letter.

Marin County Supervisor Katie Rice said the lights and related noise and traffic would affect the neighborhood, but the impacts could be reduced through limits on the number of games and other conditions.

"I think if there is a finite number of events, the community is willing to support it," she said of the lights.

Contact Will Jason via email at or via Twitter at


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

5 Alternatives to Bank Loans | epica Personal Finance Blog

At some point in life, most people need to take out a loan, whether this is to help make an essential purchase such as a car, carry out an urgent repair in the home or to put towards a much needed holiday.

But as bank loans are still difficult to secure because of the struggling economic climate, you may want to start to thinking about the other options available to you.? Many people do not know what kind of alternatives to a bank loan are out there.

Read the information below and you?ll soon see that you can indeed borrow money without having to wait for the banks to start lending again.

Peer-to-Peer Lending Loan

So-called peer-to-peer lending takes place outside of the traditional banking system and one of its advantages is its simplicity. Peer-to-peer lending takes place online and lenders offer unsecured personal loans at an interest rate of their own choosing or that of the online platform. Importantly, you aren?t guaranteed to get a loan through the peer-to-peer lending as different lenders will weigh up the risks of lending you money, but you do have the immediacy of dealing directly with a lender and no upfront collateral is needed for a loan.

Credit cards are more familiar territory than other loan systems. There is a wide range of credit cards out there to choose from and they offer different limits and interest rates. The problem can be that the interest rates can be high on credit cards and so it?s important that carefully check this. However, there are also credit cards out there which have interest-free repayment periods, some of which are over a year. And so, if you do borrow a small amount on a credit card this should pay back less in the long run than you would with a bank loan, as you can pay the money off during the interest-free period. If you can?t get a credit card with a long interest-free period, you need to carefully consider the total repayment.

Government Credit

Another option instead of a bank loan is government credit. There are several different types of government loan, from crisis loans to help if you have had a flood or fire in your home and need urgent repairs to schemes set up for particular groups. For example farmers can currently get cash loans in Canada from the Canadian government who are trying to give them easier access to credit. Government loans can be very good if you are in one of the targeted groups or qualify for assistance, but these are not open to everyone and especially not for everyday purchases.

Borrowing from Family and Friends

The easiest way to secure a loan is to take the most direct route and borrow this from your friends and family. While this is a simple process, it isn?t without obvious problems. You have to think carefully about not making relatives feel pressured into lending money in the first place and you need to be absolutely certain you can pay this back. Nothing sours family relations like a dispute over money. If you do borrow from friends and family you should try and limit the amount.

Payday Loans or Short Term Loans

Since the start of the financial crisis there has been an increase in the popularity of payday loans. These are small and short-term unsecured loans. They are used to bridge a gap and you can only borrow a limited amount (often only up to ?500), plus you are given only a short time frame to pay the loan back. Payday loans can often be organised online, and even though the interest rates can look very high, remember that you will be paying this back over a very short space of time. So, if you are confident you can pay the loan back quickly and it is only to be used to bridge a gap (e.g to pay for an emergency repair that you otherwise wouldn?t have able to afford until payday) this type of loan might be an option for you. If you are not sure of your future finances, be mindful of the high interest rates attached to some payday loans and the possibility of getting into a cycle of debt.


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Weight Loss Tip: Eat Less at Home - Shape Magazine

I used to eat dinner every night after work in front of the TV and overindulge without even realizing what I had eaten. Recently I finally stopped to think about how it takes much longer to make dinner than it does to actually eat it. Kind of a downer, so in an attempt to slow down and focus on being mindful, I decided to use the dining room table instead of parking myself on the couch in front of the television.?

Now, when I?m sitting across from my boyfriend, the two of us enjoy good conversation, laughter, and tasty, healthy food. Taking the time to focus on the texture, color, smells, and flavors of the foods we use to nourish our bodies really takes the mindlessness away from our normal daily routine.

We don?t eat together at the table every night, but we make a point to have at least one meal in the dining room together every week. It has helped me be mindful of the food I?m eating and it?s improved our relationship!

Our 2012 Weight Loss Diary writer, Yasmin, is a 33-year-old web content producer who is looking to get healthy and love her body! Follow along on her year-long weight loss journey!

Who?s helping Yasmin? Tiara Coaching Life coach Alison Miller, Ph.D, nutritionist Keri Gans, R.D, and Equinox personal trainer Stephanie Pipia.


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Synthetic biology research: Could fuel for cars or household power supplies be created from naturally-occurring fatty acids?

Dec. 17, 2012 ? Writing in PNAS, the researchers have shown that the emerging field of synthetic biology can be used to manipulate hydrocarbon chemicals, found in soaps and shampoos, in cells.

This development, discovered with colleagues at the University of Turku in Finland, could mean fuel for cars or household power supplies could be created from naturally-occurring fatty acids.

The researchers, led by Professor Nick Turner from The University of Manchester, used synthetic biology to hijack the naturally-existing fatty acids and direct those fatty molecules towards the production of ready-to-use fuel and household chemicals.

Hydrocarbon chemicals are everywhere in our daily lives; as fragrance in soap, thickener in shampoo and fuel in the car. Their number of carbons and whether they are acid, aldehyde, alcohol or alkane are important parameters that influence how toxic they are to biological organisms, the potential for fuel and their olfactory perception as aroma compounds.

The breakthrough allows researchers to further explore how to create renewable energy from sustainable sources, and the advance could lead to more innovative ways of sourcing fuel from natural resources.

Synthetic biology is an area of biological research and technology that combines science and engineering for the benefit of society. Significant advances have been made in this field in recent years.

Professor Turner said: "In our laboratories in Manchester we currently work with many different biocatalysts that catalyse a range of chemical reactions -- the key is to match up the correct biocatalyst with the specific product you are trying to make.

"Biocatalysts recognise molecules in the way that a lock recognises a key -- they have to fit perfectly together to work. Sometime we redesign the lock so that if can accept a slightly different key allowing us to make even more interesting products.

"In this example we need to make sure that the fatty acid starting materials would be a perfect match for the biocatalysts that we discovered and developed in our laboratories.

"As with many leading areas of science today, in order to make major breakthroughs it is necessary for two or more laboratories around the world to come together to solve challenging problems."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Manchester, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. M. Kalim Akhtar, Nicholas J. Turner, and Patrik R. Jones. Carboxylic acid reductase is a versatile enzyme for the conversion of fatty acids into fuels and chemical commodities. PNAS, December 17, 2012 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1216516110

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Today's Woman Review & Giveaway Blog ? Inexpensive CoverGirl ...


One of the most common gifts that is found in any female?s stocking is makeup and Covergirl has some last minute stocking stuffer gift ideas at affordable prices. CoverGirl Eye Enhancers 4 Kit Eyeshadow Set,

The Eye Enhancers 4-Kit in Mirror Mirror -silver and teal shades is a great collection from Covergirl designed to make ones eyes look go both day to night. Perfect for New Years when she wants to look her best.? The colors are very light and sheer and definitely draw attention to the eyes- which are the windows to her sole and sure to catch his attention.

The LipPerfection in Euphoria is a a deep berry kissable? colour, right on trend for the holidays. The beautiful rich lip color is infused Covergirlwith silk protein to help sustain moisture levels, so the more you wear it, the more gorgeous your lips become.

Today?s woman wants her? lipsticks to last longer at the same time offering Colors that are vibrant and Covergirl has provided a lipstick that does just that.

Both products are available at mass market retailers nationwide. COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 4-Kit MSRP: $6.99 COVERGIRL LipPerfection Lipstick? MSRP: $10.99


As the nation?s hottest cosmetic brand, COVERGIRL offers women innovative, cutting-edge products that ignite their beauty. With a complete collection of makeup for eyes, lips and face, women can experiment with fashionable looks that are nothing short of COVERGIRL cool. COVERGIRL is available at mass market retailers nationwide; for more information, please visit
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